Parish Announcements



Why would God care if we practiced NFP or used contraception? Contraception is the choice to engage in an act of intercourse, but render it sterile, thus separating the Life and Love meanings of the act. Contraception is a contradiction of the wedding vows: it contradicts the free, total, faithful and fruitful love promised between the spouses. The marriage act with Natural Family Planning is a renewal of the wedding promises and does nothing to sterilize an act of intercourse. Virtual Online Courses and Self-Paced Online Natural Family Planning Courses are available at your convenience. Live the Love with Natural Family Planning. For NFP info and Class registration : Couple to Couple League: 800-745-8252
Sponsored by the Gloucester City Ministerium and the First Baptist Church. The sessions are held on Wednesday evenings at 8:30pm and Saturday evenings at 8:00pm at the First Baptist Church on the corner of Monmouth and Sussex Sts.

Sponsored by the Highland Park Church of God this is a new ministry/small group being launched called EMBRACE GRACE. This group provides emotional, practical, and spiritual support for single, young pregnant women who find themselves in an unintended pregnancy. The primary goal of EMBRACE GRACE is to empower the church to be a safe and non-judging place for the girls to run to when they find out they are pregnant, instead of the last place they are welcomed because of shame and guilt. It is a 12-week program that teaches them about God’s love and grace, and at the end we will give them a baby shower to honor them for CHOOSING LIFE and to help provide for their baby’s needs. For more information on EMBRACE GRACE please visit or contact our Parish Nurse Claire Marie Devereaux at 856-456-5716.
We are launching a new initiative here at St. Mary’s to Sponsor a Religious Education Student. Although the fee for classes is $60 for one child,$100 for two, and $125 for three or more children, there are several families that are unable to afford this amount. No child is ever turned away! We are asking you to help those among us in need of assistance by sponsoring a child in our own parish. Would you be will- ing to support the Religious Education Program with your sponsorship of a student? If you would like to sponsor a child, please contact the Rectory Office at 856-456-0052.
Catechists are needed to share the Catholic Faith with our children. Presently there are two sections of grades 1 through 4. In the fall, we would like to have enough Catechists to open more classes. We would like to be able to have two classes from grades 1 through 6. Grades 1 to 3 have classes on Wednesday from 3:30-4:40pm. Grades 4,5, & 6 meet on Thursday from 3:20-4:#0pm. Classes run from September through May. Do you have time to share with our children? 
Please contact our Religious Education (CCD) 
Coordinator, Mary Kelly at 609-605-2765 or email for further information. Please commit to praying for the catechists and students!
Gloucester Catholic has partnered with IVY International (IIG). They are a leading educational placement agency for students from China who study in private high schools throughout the U.S. There is a growing need for families who are willing to open their homes to our students and become a host for the 2018-2019 school year. Our students range from grades 9-11. Each family will be awarded a monthly stipend of $1,000 per month by IVY International. If interested, please con-tact Mandy Chan at IVY International by phone at 484.300.5760 or
 At the request of parishioners we are  adding a Eucharistic Holy Hour. We have  a Holy Hour every Thursday from 12noon  to 1pm and every Wednesday we shall add  another weekly Holy Hour at 6:30pm  to 7:30pm. The Miraculous Medal  Novena, Rosary and Devine Mercy  Chaplet will be prayed. Spend a  wonderful hour before our Eucharistic  Lord and experience the Heavenly Peace  which will descend upon you.